is a modular platform, and each module provides the basics of its functionality in its free Tier.
Jobin is highly customizable and adapts to several users in the field of Recruitment, Human Resources and Employer branding.
Typical users are:
Safety is's top priority, so much so that many feautres in are able to keep your activity undetected by LinkedIn trackers.
This comes with the added benefit of being able to avoid many of LinkedIn's limitations precisely because LinkedIn is unable to detect (and therefore limit) your activity.
So not only are you able to automate, but you're also able to bypass limits such as profile view limitations, search limitations and more!
You can find a dedicated video explaining Jobin operations in more detail and what to look out for - here.
No LinkedIn subscription is required, is fully functional with the default free LinkedIn account.
In case you're using a LinkedIn subscription, is also fully compatible with both LinkedIn Premium, Sales Navigator and LinkedIn Recruiter. has 3 different lists, found within the contacts page, the accounts page and the jobs page
The accounts page allows you to list companies just as you would list people within the contacts page, the jobs page lists all the jobs/projects you're working on, each with their own customizable pipeline.
Using these 3 lists you can easily track your potential clients together with their companies.
We have 2 recommended approaches:
Now you can easily keep track of the client's progress within the client pipeline and view all your client companies (and the people that represent them) all within the accounts page.
The other recommended approach is to:
As mentioned in the steps, we recommend creating a dedicated Client pipeline within your jobs page. All pipelines can be fully customized, so they don't need to be strictly used for candidate tracking, simply modify it to cater to a client-centric workflow, and you're all set! allows for a very flexible workflow, so there isn't any strict order that you need to follow, but here's the workflow order that we recommend:
The Jobin workflow tries to promote an additional layer of screening before starting outreach, this is because sourcing and profile imports can be done at large scales, and not all might be a great fit for what you're offering.
Before you start importing profiles, create a Job Pipeline, Job pipelines can be assigned an "ideal candidate" filter to automatically score contacts, and whenever you import someone into a pipeline they're added to the "assigned" stage, so that stage will act as the screening zone where you select who to move forward into the sequence and who to reject as not fitting.
If you added an ideal candidate to a Job, then whenever the Job pipeline is selected in your filters, a fitting index score is assigned to all the contacts, if you don't have an ideal candidate setup then you can load a filter template or directly run a filter yourself to further screen your contacts (all Jobin filters are by default ranking your contacts).
This step is to automate the selection process, that would have otherwise needed to have been conducted one-by-one by opening each profile and reading through their profile yourself.
The results that you then pick can either be moved forward in your Pipeline's sequence (example, the "Screened" stage) or you can further automate it by directly adding them to a Sequence, the Sequence can both contain the outreach seaquence and an "assign" step which assigns all the Sequence's prospects to a specific stage in your Pipeline.
A step-by-step video explanation of this process can be seen in the Course videos
They will auto-play in sequential order (like a playlist) there are also chapters to help you skim along.
You can find a dedicated video explaining this in more detail - here.
The most common LinkedIn restrictions are profile views.
Imports performed by are able to avoid LinkedIn profile view limits, but you have to make sure not to manually open any profiles directly on LinkedIn.
With bulk imports its easy, just click the Jobin Extension and all the contacts get imported without being viewed, but if you want to do an individual import while also avoiding the profile view, then -
rather than opening the profile and clicking the Jobin Extension:
This will tell Jobin to automatically import that profile for you, without directly opening and viewing the profile from LinkedIn.
An import that does, however, get tracked by LinkedIn's profile view counter is the contact info importer (whenever you tell Jobin to also import any data within the LinkedIn contact info menu)
The limit is set to 150 by default (it can be customized from the Operations Monitor page) and the allowed amount varies depending on your LinkedIn subscription and profile score, if you're on a LinkedIn free license and use all 150 then make sure you don't view any additional contacts manually.
Connection Requests and Messaging.
Since the amount of connection requests you can send varies based on various factors, Jobin has a built-in preemptive safety measure that will reschedule invitations for you when necessary, this means you don't need to manually micromanage any specific invitation daily limit.
LinkedIn limits messaging hyperactivity, the message throttling system will prevent automated follow-ups from surpassing the recommended messaging limit, you can customize how many to send within 24 hours but we recommended never going beyond 200 a day unless you have a particular LinkedIn Recruiter Subscription that specifically allows for a higher amount.
Yes, Jobin will automatically synchronise with the currently signed in LinkedIn account and will accordingly run all LinkedIn operations through that account.
If using Outreach Sequences, you can set a specific LinkedIn account as a sender for each Sequence and by using different browsers/chrome profiles you can simultaneously run sequences on multiple different Sequences (that will be sent through different LinkedIn accounts) all simultaneously with only 1 account.
Unless a specific LinkedIn sender account was specified Jobin will run operations on your currently singed in LinkedIn account, so switching account will cause disruptions. There's a trick, however, that allows you to change LinkedIn account without disrupting any Jobin operation.
To do so simply open a different browser, or in Chrome's case, you can also open a different Chrome profile.
This will allow you to login with as many different LinkedIn/Jobin accounts as you have Browsers/Chrome profiles.
Each Browser/Chrome profile can have its own set of Jobin and LinkedIn accounts logged in allowing you to potentailly run operations on through different accounts symultaneously on the same PC/Laptop.
To put it simply, since both Jobin and LinkedIn are web platforms, each different Browser/Chrome profile is the same as having a different PC/Laptop.
If your LinkedIn operations are stuck / frozen in queue, then most likely your Jobin Extension has desynchronized.
Try refreshing all open LinkedIn and tabs (or close and re-open your browser).
Alternatively, the easiest way to ensure that the extension is fully operational, is to open a LinkedIn profile (that isn't already in your database) and then click the Jobin Extension.
If the profile gets imported then you're all set and any LinkedIn-related operation should resume within 3 minutes
If that doesn't work, please contact us.
Your Subscription/trial period has expired, and to properly continue functioning Jobin requires you to have an active plan.
Jobin is prompting you to pick any plan of your choosing, it can be changed at any time.
If you don't want to make a decision just yet, pick the free plan, you can always upgrade on a later date, just keep in mind that there may be a few feature limitations.
Once you've selected the group of contacts that you want to message, and pressed the "Send Message" button, you'll be presented with multiple messaging methods to pick (at the bottom-left of the menu).
Here we'll explain which ones you should use, depending on your needs:
P.S. inMails are free (even for LinkedIn free users) if the recipient is set as "OPEN Profile"
You can find an "OPEN Profile" filter within Jobin's "LinkedIn tags" filter category
Connection invitations are not within the "send message" button, but in the "Connection invitation" button.
They can be used to contact 2nd and 3rd level connections thanks to the attached invitation note.
Keywords added to Jobin filters have 3 commands that you can switch between by hovering your cursor over the keyword in question:
Optional keywords are rankable, the more optional keywords a contact matches the higher they will score, furthermore you can customize the score multiplier of each optional keyword by clicking on the keyword.
Higher scoring contacts will be placed at the top of your results list.
If used in an "Ideal candidate" filter, then you can visually see the score of each contact, you can even set a minimum score threshold to easily shortlist your contacts.
If you open the "All Filters" menu, you can customize what the minimum-keyword threshold should be, you can do so by clicking the "Set manually" button that appears below any optional keyword that you added.
Yes, and there's more than just connection level filters, all with exclude functionality included!
You can filter for:
The filters can be found in the left panel of the contacts page within the "LinkedIn tags" filter category.
You can additionally filter for LinkedIn / Sales Navigator / LinkedIn Recruiter URL availability within the "@Contact" filter category.
To send connection requests:
If an autoamted follow-up messages is added (from the Connection invitation menu) Jobin will automatically send out the follow up after the contact accepts the invitation and after the custom-set delay passes.
If the contact replies before the follow-up is sent, then the automated follow-up will not send out.
Yes, every imported profile can be filtered for extensively, including unique LinkedIn information like the Open Profile status.
You can find the filter for it under Jobin's "LinkedIn tags" filter category.
If a contact's connection invitation is failing or not working, usually the reason is either:
You can use Jobin's "LinkedIn tags" filter to easily identify any contacts that are 1st connections or pending connections of yours.
You can use the "@Contact" filter to find if contacts are missing LinkedIn URLs.
You can use the "Has interacted/been messaged" filter (found at the bottom of "All Filters"), or the "Last Messaged" filter to identify if a contact has potentially already been contacted (meaning they may have had their pending invitation already withdrawn within the last 21 days).
Yes, Jobin Cloud offers multiple options for removing connection invitations:
You can find this feature in the Dashboard page after pressing on the violet "Withdraw" button attached to the "Connection Requests" metric.
To export contacts go to the Contacts page
You will be emailed a download link for your contacts
The provided fields in an export are:
If the candidate has completed their workflow within a Pipeline, you can archive them into "exit stages" which can either be:
Candidates can be assigned to these "exit stages" in multiple ways:
The unsuccessful exit icon is a pipeline with an arrow leading outwards
The successful exit icon is a handshake
If you want to completely remove a candidate from a Job:
If you want to delete contacts in bulk:
If you want to individually delete a contact:
Keep in mind that bulk delete simply deletes everyone selected, if only 1 contact is selected only 1 contact will be deleted.
If you want to update contacts in bulk:
If you want to individually update a contact:
Keep in mind that bulk update updates everyone selected, if only 1 contact is selected only 1 contact will be updated.
With an advanced sourcing tool capable of importing thousands of contacts in bulk you're bound to import some contacts multiple times.
It is precisely for this reason that Jobin comes with an automatic database de-duplication and cleaning function.
Database de-duplication and cleanup runs automatically in the background, but if you want to run it manually, simply press the button at the very top-left corner of the contacts page
In case there are any conflicting values you'll be asked to manually confirm the changes, so rest assured that your date is always safe.Jobin's Full Database analysis and cleaning function doesn't only remove duplicates but also cleans and properly merges data for each of your profiles, paired with .CSV import it even allows you to fully clean and auto-update your old databases.
If interested in learning more on how to auto-update profiles, check out this video - here
Aside from removing tags from a contact, you can also delete tags, change the color and icon of a tag and all-round manage tags within the Tags Management page.
The Tags Management page is found within your WorkGroup's settings page, you can access it by pressing on your avatar at the top-right of the screen, and opening "WorkGroup settings".
Clients and Candidates are divided into 2 separate lists:
If imported from LinkedIn, Clients and Candidates will automatically be transferred into their according lists.
Candidates and Clients can also be manually added by pressing the + button at the top left corner of the screen when viewing a Client or Candidate profile.
To send emails you need to sign-in to your current mail server from the Jobin Settings page.
The server that manages sending emails is called an SMTP server, and popular examples are,, and many others.
You can find a detailed step-by-step guide on how to set up your email sender by visiting the How to set up email senders (SMTP servers) page
Once you've signed in to your SMTP server, to send emails
Google links emails to your Google Account and therefore employs more security measures than ordinary SMTP servers. will display all the steps you need to follow at the top of the "Outgoing SMTP server setup" page.
Alternatively, you can find more details at How to set up email senders (SMTP servers).
To create a new WorkGroup you need to open the WorkGroups list
This can be opened by clicking on your WorkGroup's icon (top-left of the screen -- by default it's a cloud with "me" written on it) -
Within the WorkGroups list you'll find a "Create a new WorkGroup" button at the bottom
To invite someone into your WorkGroup navigate to your WorkGroups's settings page
to do so:
Everyone that received an invitation will now be able to find your WorkGroup within their WorkGroups list.
Permissions to do certain actions are acquired by being assigned a specific Solution seat by your WorkGroup administrator.
If you are the workgroup administrator, to grant permissions and assign seats you must go to the WorkGroup's settings page
When running bulk imports, contacts aren't imported with their full profile right away.
The Full profile download starts automatically in the background and can be monitored from the ongoing operations page.
Bulk profile imports have 2 phases so that you don't necessarily have to wait for the entire process, because depending on your needs, you may not need the full profile right away.
If there's a specific contact whose profile you want to see right away, without waiting for the second import phase to finish, from within your Jobin Cloud WorkGroup, open the incomplete contact's profile and click on the blue banner under the profile name that says "(Not Fully Downloaded)" - clicking it will allow you to instantly import that contact's full profile.
To import a LinkedIn profile:
That's it! You can now find the full profile in your contacts page
Of course, the browser extension must be installed.
You can import your first level connections from Jobin's LinkedIn import page (found under the "Sourcing" section on the left sidebar)
The import will automatically run in the background for you
The duration depends on the amount of 1st connections you have.
Once completed you can find all your 1st connections within your Contacts page, where you can further filter and select all the desired contacts to either message, tag, or move into pipelines.
You can monitor the extraction process from the Operations Monitor
contacts start out with basic info and gradually import their full LinkedIn profile data.
To import hundreds of contacts in mass, from LinkedIn search results, first you need to apply a LinkedIn search.
Once you've applied your search, click on the Jobin browser extension top-right corner of the browser
A window will open, asking for the desired amount of contacts to import and if any should be skipped, set your desired numbers and press "start import" (make sure not to close the extension or change tab while it processes your request)
Done! You can now find all your search results within your contacts list, where you can further filter and select all the desired contacts to either message, tag, or move into pipelines.
You can monitor the enrichment process from the Operations Monitor
contacts start out with basic info and automatically get enriched into full profiles
To import your saved Leads Lists, open a Sales Navigator search:
On the left you will find a menu labeled as "filters"
Done! You can now find all your leads within your contacts list
you can monitor the enrichment process from the Operations Monitor
contacts start out with basic info and automatically get enriched into full profiles
You can import your .CSV files here (click on the silhouette with a + found at the top-left corner of the Contacts page).
Tip: save .CSV import time and reinvigorate your old database by only importing a LinkedIn URL (and all your personal changes like: tags, notes etc.) and then run "auto-update" on them (found in "more bulk actions" after selecting the contacts in the Contacts page) - all the contacts will receive their data straight from their LinkedIn profiles!
For more details on how to import and auto-update your profiles, we recommend looking at this dedicated video here
Alternatively, you can read the documentation:
Fields(columns) from your CSV file are listed on the left together with an example of the content found in the first row of your CSV file.If recognizes your file, it will automatically associate fields for you and you can click "Start Import" right away, otherwise you'll need to perform the association manually.
Field associations are easy and only need to be done once, because will remember the file structure:
Note: there are several pages/groups - use the green navigation buttons to browse all groups of fields. Each group has its color. You can also use the Search, to jump to the field that you are looking for.
Clicking on a field directly, without having selecting a field on the left (from your CSV file),will allow you to manually add an entry, this entry will be given to all contacts imported within that CSV file, this is particularly useful for tags Fields (on the right) can be split into 5 categories:
Last but not least, keep an eye out for fields with (current), they represent the profile's "main job".
There can only be 1 main job (the current job the profile is performing), all secondary/past jobs must be imported in the "Past Work Experiences" group (page 6/8).
It's important to distinguish the main job because, unless overwritten by "Role/Title in header",it will be displayed at the head of the contact at all times (even when viewed in a list with multiple other contacts)
If you're paying a 1 year plan or more, we can also import your CSV file for you, for free.
Yes, Jobin Cloud offers a 14 days free trial of the Pro LinkedIn Automation and ATS Bundle, which grants access to all features within the respective solution types.
Unrestricted to any time limit, there's also a free forever plan.
Of course! Not only is there a 30% discount on yearly plans, but you also receive a 5% discount for each additional solution you add to your plan!
Visit our pricing page for more details.
You bet! You can upgrade, downgrade or cancel your plan at any time.
All mentioned operations can be performed by the WorkGroup administrator, within the Billing and Activity page.
Plan upgrades are pro-rata so any previously purchased plan and any already passed subscription time will automatically be detracted from the upgrade cost
Example: I already purchased an $8 monthly subscription, after 15 days I upgrade to a $12 monthly subscription, the price will detract the already paid $8 and halve the remaining $4 cost because half of the subscription's month has already passed.
Resulting in the upgrade only costing $2
Jobin Cloud supports several card brands:
All the data you add into is exclusively yours. simply helps you manage your data and business more efficiently.
If you ever decide to delete your account, all your data will also be removed.
You can extract and export your data from your account in minutes anytime you wish.
Yes. complies with the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework as set forth by the Department of Commerce which applies to the collection, use and retention of customer personal data from the European Union. In addition to that, Jobin's platform and data processor is also compliant with the even more restrictive General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) protecting the privacy and management of personal data for all individual citizens of the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). For more information, please click here. exclusively makes use of data centres in the European Union.
The data centres are operated by Google Cloud Platform (GCP). The services provided by GCP are, to name a few, ISO 27001, CSA STAR, and SOC 2 certified - see all., as data controller, implements measures which meet the principles of "data protection by design and by default" as defined in Article 25 of GDPR.
For more information, please click here.
The safety of your data is our top priority.
We have taken security very seriously from the very start and keeping the platform dependable is Jobin's responsibility. Safety is paramount when our customers entrust their sensitive data into our care, so we'll do all that's possible to keep it secure.
Our facilities are deployed on safe cloud servers, equipped with all the needed certifications such as the ISO 27001 (Google Cloud).
Jobin guarantees an end-to-end encryption cycle where all interaction with servers happens over a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) transmission. This platform's network resources use JWT tokens that are re-generated every few minutes and are constantly verified and refreshed by our servers before granting access to account data. Our robust network security system employs the latest encryption and intrusion detection/prevention technologies.
Jobin's computing infrastructure is provided by the Google Cloud Platform, the industry-leading security cloud services platform.
Google’s physical infrastructure has been accredited under ISO 27001, SOC 1/SOC 2/SSAE 16/ISAE 3402, PCI Level 1, FISMA Moderate, and Sarbanes-Oxley. Access to these facilities is tightly controlled, monitored and secured by a series of measures including (but not limited to) biometric access, security alarm systems and round-the-clock security staff.
We have developed a secure multi-tier network environment on top of Kubernetes’ infrastructure to ensure that our applications and data are protected and always accessible. In addition to strong security controls, Jobin ensures that the data it collects remains available through full, daily backups, retained for 30 days and tested weekly.
Our production network is based on the Kubernetes cluster, designed with Google's accumulated experience in container orchestration. Kubernetes provides security in layers. The 4Cs of Cloud Native security are Cloud, Clusters, Containers, and Code. This layered approach augments the defense in depth computing approach to security, which is widely regarded as a best practice for securing software systems.
Only authorized employees have access to our production infrastructure, and passwords are strictly regulated. We limit access to customer data to the employees who need it to provide support and troubleshooting on our customer's behalf. Accessing customer data is done solely on an as-needed basis, and only when approved by the customer (i.e. as part of a support request), or to provide support and maintenance.
We employ secure coding practices and ensure protection against the OWASP Top 10. Application Security within Jobin was, since the beginning, integrated into the development life-cycle and we undergo frequent white-box security assessments to catch any security issues.
Our application is protected against all the following checks:
Communication between Users and our servers is encrypted with 128-bit SSL / TLS encryption and all communications are sent over HTTPS link.
All authentication controls are enforced by the server side and all User passwords are securely hashed.
All data access is protected by a role-based access-control mechanism, which only lets users view data for which they have permission.
It’s impossible for users to view data from organizations and work-groups other than their own.
The server logs all successful and failed authentications, automatically blocking access after too many failed logins. Password reset, change email and other sensitive request are Authenticated.
Server side sessions will timeout on invalidation of authentication tokens. These tokens are stored in cookies with Secure & HttpOnly flags & limited domain and path attributes, expires at end of the session.